Key Points
- #1 ROI in 2022: Our high yield soybean program has made the Top 10 multiple times at the PTI Farm, and took the top spot in 2022.
- Banding all the way: In 2022, banded fertilizer rather than broadcasted fertilizer led to a net return of +$10.00/A.
- Great yields: 110.7 Bu/A is our record from 2020. In 2022, our highest return was 101.0 Bu/A.
- Seed size and planting date: Strip-till has been effective for us to dry the fields out and get soybeans planted early, and we have also seen a correlation between seed size and yield.
Looking to drive higher soybean yields?
We've learned a few things at the PTI Farm when it comes to growing high-yielding soybeans. In fact, our high yield soybeans have regularly made the PTI Farm's list of top 10 return-on-investment studies.
"We recently surveyed growers and found that almost 75% of growers aren’t applying starter fertilizer to soybeans. This seems like a big opportunity."
Jason Webster
Commercial Agronomist
In 2022, we actually saw the most 4-bean soybean pods we’ve ever seen at the PTI Farm (or anywhere, for that matter!).
In this collection of studies, we’re sharing our full protocol for high-yield soybeans from various years, tools and strategies you can implement to potentially increase soybean yield on your farm, the data we’ve discovered from each year of our high yield soybean program (which has regularly given us over 100 Bu/A soybeans), and more.
Check out the leaf size difference we’ve seen as a result of this program:
Comparison of Trifoliate Soybean Leaf Size
At-Plant Nutrition with Dual-Band Conceal
High Yield Soybean Study Results
In-Depth Study Videos
InsidePTI S4•E02
High Management ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S3•E02
High Yield ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S2•E50
High Yield ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S2•E07
High Yield ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S1•E21
High Yield ‣ Soybean
Study Details
Study data collected 2019-2022 at the PTI Farm in Pontiac, IL.
Planting Date | Varied By Year | Rotation | BAC |
Row Width | 30" | Population | 120K-130K |
Corn Prices | 2022 - $13.96 2021 - $11.98 2020 - $9.75 2019 - $8.68 | Hybrid | 2022 - GH3244XF 2021 - GH3192XF 2020 - GH3546X 2019 - Asgrow 36X6 |
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